Support Group for Family and Friends

East Bay Recovery Center 31 Railroad Avene, Warren, RI

We are a peer support group for family and friend care givers. This is NOT a treatment or recovery group. It is a resource for care givers looking to identify local, affordable pre-clinical anxiety management help for their friends or loved ones. We do recognize that those who are trying to help friends and loved ones with anxiety may be anxious themselves and may want to discover resources for themselves also. This is why we are here.

Each month we want to introduce our group to a different, local care provider who offer alternative and complementary care for anxiety. While alternative and complementary care are often part of clinical care programs, they also can be used pre-clinically with the goal of reducing self-medication for chronic anxiety. It some cases, it may be easier to get our loved ones to try approaches for managing their anxiety if we are able to help them feel a part of a pre-clinical approach.

Our group will work together to identify speakers for our monthly meetings.

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